英国留学签证——肺结核检测攻略,都在这里了办理签证是出国留学必不可少的一环,在办理签证时还有一项非常重要的体检——肺结核检查,这项检查必须是英国在华指定的检测机构进行检查,这里给大家整理一下有哪些指定的检测机构,以及检测时的注意事项。 一、肺结核检测具体流程 检测对象及费用: 检测对象:准备在英国停留6个月以上者 检测费用:人民币550元(支付方式和金额,请在预约时再次确认) 所需证件:
二、英国内政部指定的在华肺结核检测机构 Beijing北京 Raffles Hospital Suite 105 Wing 1 Kunsha Building No. 16 Xinyuanli Chaoyang District 100027 北京市朝阳区新源里16号昆莎中心1座105,邮编:100027 电话号码:010-64620303 电子邮箱: visa_beijing@rafflesmedical.com 网站: www.rafflesmedical.com Operating hours: Monday to Sunday, 8:30am to 5pm
Beijing New World Eaton Medical Center 北京新世界耀东诊所 Level 5 Beijing New World Shopping Mall No.3 Chong Wen Men Wai Street Dongcheng District 北京市崇文门外大街3号新世界中心商场5层 电话号码:010-67085077,010-67085075 电子邮箱: ukime@eatonclinic.com 网站: www.eatonclinic.com WeChat account: UMP722 Operating hours: Monday to Saturday, 8am to 5pm
Beijing United Family Jianguomen Clinic Between Building 14/15 Jianwai Diplomatic Residence Compound (DRC) No.1 Xiushui Street Chaoyang District Beijing China 100600 Telephone 电话号码: 010-85321678 Email 电子邮箱: jgm_rec@ufh.com.cn Website: www.ufh.com.cn Operating hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm
Hong Kong International Medical Clinic 北京港澳国际医务诊所 Podium level, Tower W3, Oriental Plaza, 1 East Chang An Ave. Dong Cheng District, Beijing, China 100738 北京市东城区东长安街1号东方广场W3座平台层,邮编:100738 电话号码:010-85412788,010-85412768 Email: hkpe@hkclinic.com Website: www.hkclinic.com Operating hours: Monday to Sunday, 9am to 5pm
Chengdu成都 Global Doctor Chengdu International Medical Center 环球医生成都医疗门诊部 Room 9-12 South entrance, 2nd floor Lippo Tower 62 North Kehua Road Wuhou District Chengdu Sichuan 四川省成都市科华北路62号力宝大厦S区2楼9-12号 Telephone 电话号码:028-8528 3660,028-8528 3638 电子邮箱: chengdu@globaldoctor.com.cn 网站: www.globaldoctor.com.cn Operating hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm
Reliant Medical Services Ltd Operating at Chengdu IME Centre Chengdu Western Hospital 成都西区医院健康管理中心 6th Floor No.2 3rd Section of Erhuan Road Chengdu Sichuan 610036 四川省成都市二环路三段2号6层,邮编:610036 电话号码: 028-8757 5985 电子邮箱: chengdu@rcime.com Website: https://www.rcime.com
Chongqing重庆 Global Doctor Chongqing International Medical Center 环球医生重庆医疗门诊部 Suit 2, F3 NO.343 Jinkai Avenue Liangjiang New Area 401147 Chongqing 重庆市两江新区金开大道343号第3层2号 重庆富乐门诊部 电话号码: 023-63085550 电子邮箱: chongqing@globaldoctor.com.cn Website: www.globaldoctor.com.cn Operating hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm
Healthmate International Clinic 健康之友国际诊所 Jiangbei MEC of Ciming Oasis Health Management 1-2 Floors, Tower 1, Lifan Centre 7 Juxianyan Square Jiangbei District Chongqing 重庆市江北区聚贤岩广场7号立帆中心1号楼1-2层慈铭奥亚江北体检中心 电话号码:023-67110234,023-67519682 电子邮箱: cqclinic123@126.com WeChat: 1950799651, a61255215 Operating hours:Monday to Friday, 8am to 4:30pm,Saturday, 8am to 12pm
Dongguan 东莞 Global Doctor Dongguan International Medical Center 环球医生东莞医疗门诊部 2-4F No.23 IEO Intl Block Dynatown Dongguan Dongcheng District Dongguan Guangdong Province 广东省东莞市东城区东城街道星河传说商住区新天地23栋2-4楼环球医生东莞东城康瑞家门诊部 电话号码:+86-769-22082087,+86-153-62045421 电子邮箱: dongguan@globaldoctor.com.cn Website: www.globaldoctor.com.cn Operating hours: Monday to Saturday, 9am to 6pm
Fuzhou福州 Immigration Medical Centre-Fujian Provincial Hospital (South Branch) 福建省立医院南院 516 Jinrong South Road Fuzhou Fujian 350001 福建省立医院南院,福州市仓山区金榕南路516号,邮编:350001 电话号码:+86-591-88619601,+86-591-88619602 Email 电子邮箱: stride_2002@hotmail.com
Guangzhou广州 New Omega Medical Center 新奥美嘉医疗中心 9/F, Tower A Center Plaza East Railway Station Linhexi Lu Tianhe District 510620 广州市天河区林和西路火车东站中泰国际广场A塔9层,邮编:510620 电话号码:020-2886 1900,020-2886 1999,020-2886 1950 电子邮箱: lihuaclinic@126.com Website: https://www.newomega.cn/ Operating hours: Monday to Sunday, 8:30am to 5:30pm
Guangzhou IME Centre – Guangzhou Zhujiang Hospital 广州珠江医院出国移民体检中心 3/F Yiqiao Building Guangzhou Zhujiang Hospital No. 253 Gongye Street 510280 广州市工业大道中253号珠江医院3层,邮编:510280 电子邮箱: guangzhou@rcime.com 电话号码: 020-8434 3711
Guangzhou International Travel Healthcare Center (GZITHC) 广州国际旅行卫生保健中心 No.59 Huali Road 6th Floor Eastern Tower of the Poly Building Zhujiang New City 510623 广州市天河区珠江新城华利路59号保利大厦东塔6层,邮编:510623 电话号码: 86-20-3828 8738 电子邮箱: zjbjuk@163.com Website: https://www.gzwbzx.com WeChat: 广州国际旅行卫生保健中心 Operating hours: Monday to Friday, 8am to 12pm and 1pm to 4pm
Hangzhou 杭州 IME Centre - Hangzhou (杭州出国体检中心) 3/F Health Examination Centre 182 Tianmushan Road Xihu District Hangzhou Zhejiang China 310000 杭州市西湖区天目山路182号体检中心3楼 邮编:310000 电话号码: 0571-8602 8780 电子邮箱: hangzhou@prioritymedi.com
Harbin哈尔滨 Harbin IME Centre 黑龙江省国际旅游卫生保健中心 Heilongjiang International Travel Healthcare Centre 3/F No.9 Ganshui Road Nangang District Harbin Heilongjiang 150001 黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区赣水路9号2楼,邮编:150001 电话号码: 0451-8233 5862 电子邮箱: harbin@rcime.com Website: https://www.rcime.com Jinan济南 Jinan IME Centre 济南出国移民体检中心 Address: No.38 Wuyingshan Road, Tianqiao District, Jinan, Shandong, CHINA 2500033 山东省济南市天桥区无影山路38号 2500033 山东省济南市北园大街247号山东大学第二医院4层,邮编:250033 电话号码: 0531-5569 2289 电子邮箱: jinan@rcime.com Website: https://www.rcime.com
Nanjing南京 Global Doctor Nanjing Clinic 环球医生南京诊所 No. 283 Shui ximen Avenue Jianye District, Nanjing Jiang Su Province P.R.China 中国江苏南京市建邺区水西门大街283 电子邮箱: nanjing@globaldoctor.com.au 电话号码: 025-86579996, 86519991
Global Doctor Nanjing Xianlin International Medical Center 环球医生南京仙林医疗门诊部 B1-B5, Yadong Plaza Xianyin Bei Lu Qixia District Nanjing Jiangsu Province 江苏省南京市栖霞区仙隐北路12号亚东商业广场B1-B5 南京康瑞家门诊部 电子邮箱: nanjingxl@globaldoctor.com.cn Website: www.globaldoctor.com.cn 电话号码: 86-25-86628386 Operating hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm
Nanjing Jiangning LaiNing Clinic (managed by Raffles Medical) 南京江宁莱宁门诊部有限公司, 由莱佛士医疗经营 Ground Floor Crown plaza Hotel No.9, Jia Hu East Road Jiang Ning district Nanjing 210016 南京市江宁区佳湖东路9号, 银城皇冠酒店一楼 电子邮箱: visa_nanjing@rafflesmedical.com 电话号码: 025-84809296 or 025-84802696
Shanghai上海 Shanghai International Travel Medical Center 上海国际旅行医疗保健门诊部 No.15 Jinbang Road Changning District Shanghai 上海市长宁区金浜路15号 电话号码: 021-62683085 电子邮箱: shanghaiithc@163.com Website: https://online.shhg12360.cn/sithc/ WeChat: SITHC Operating hours: Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm
Zhabei District Central Hospital 上海市闸北区中心医院 6th Floor Fu Zhen Building No.619 Zhonghua Xin Road Zhabei Shanghai 200070 上海市闸北区中华新路619号 辅诊楼6层,邮编;200070 电子邮箱: shanghai@prioritymedi.com 电话号码: 021-3635 6610
ParkwayHealth Shanghai Centre 瑞新国际医疗中心 West 315 Shanghai Centre 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu Shanghai 200040 上海市南京西路1376号,上海商城,西峰315室, 邮编:200040 电话号码: +86 4008196622 电子邮箱: cn.scv.tijian@parkwaypantai.com Operating hours: Monday to Sunday, 6.30am to 10.30pm
Shenyang沈阳 Shenyang IME Centre 沈阳出国移民体检中心 No.2 Wanghu Road Heping District Shenyang Liaoning 110006 辽宁省沈阳市和平区望湖路2号 邮编:110006 电子邮箱: shenyang@rcime.com Website: https://www.rcime.com 电话号码: 024-2326 0528 Shenzhen深圳 Shenzhen -IME Centre 深圳出国体检中心 2/F 11 Jinhu Road Luohu District Shenzhen Guangdong 518025 中国广东省深圳市罗湖区金湖路11号二层, 邮编:518025 电子邮箱: shenzhen@prioritymedi.com 电话号码: 0755-2535 8080
Wuhan武汉 IME Centre - Wuhan (Priority Medical Services) 武汉出国移民体检中心 Hubei International Travel Health Care Centre No.457 Luoshi South Road Hongshan District Wuhan Hubei 430070 湖北武汉市洪山区珞狮南路457号 邮编: 430070 电子邮箱: wuhan@prioritymedi.com 电话号码: 027-8581 1605
Xian西安 Global Doctor Xi’an International Medical Center 环球医生西安医疗门诊部 8F, Yongli International Financial Center Jinye 1st Road Hi-tech Zone Xi'an P.R.C 陕西省西安市高新区锦业一路永利国际金融中心8层 西安康瑞家门诊部 电话号码:86-29-81112673,86-17391757289,86-17391757290 电子邮箱: chongqing@globaldoctor.com.cn Website: www.globaldoctor.com.cn Operating hours: Monday to Saturday, 9am to 6pm
Healthmate International Clinic 健康之友国际诊所 2/F, Health Check-up Building Changan Hospital 17 Wenjing Lu, Weiyang District Xian City Shaanxi Province 710016 中国陕西省西安市未央区文景路17号 长安医院 健康体检楼2楼 Telephone 电话:,029- 86187071,029- 86187072,029- 86187073,029- 86187074 电子邮箱: xianclinic@126.com Operating hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 5pm Saturday, 8:30 am to 12:30pm